Saturday, June 25, 2016

Onward and Upward!!

Hello, again!! After trying for a long time to reach the "composing page" for Rainy Day Dollar, I have "thrown in the towel," and decided to just continue the blog under the name of Rainy Day
Doller II.

At my old blog,, I mentioned making dolls with roots for hair.  I think my last post about them was on January 17, 2015, where you see a photo of the head of my "latest root haired doll." I am somewhat chagrinned to admit that particular head is still in the same unfinished state as she was 17 months ago, and ditto for the small cloth doll pictured on the same page.

Would it help if I said we'd moved last December and that it was a chaotic and disorganized time during the months leading up to the actual/physical move (December 19, 2015) and after, as well? It was also a disorganized and chaotic 2014 as my husband fought to keep his legs in a year-long fight against terrible and extensive sores on his shins that would not heal. It was truly a long, drawn-out ordeal!! It consumed our lives for 12 months, beginning in April, 2014 and ending in March 2015.

Thankfully, due to two angioplasties, one on each leg done by the highly-skilled Dr Damon Pierce of Virginia Mason Hospital (Seattle), most excellent wound care from Dr. Randolph Fish and his amazing nurses at our local Wound Center (part of Grays Harbor Community Hospital), and endless bandage-changing and general nursing care from me (just saying'), his legs were saved and he is now doing fine. It was a group effort and no part of it would have sufficed on its own.

I am so thankful for each person that helped him overcome this huge health challenge!! It took a toll on us, though, and disrupted our life no end!! We sometimes had two or three doctor visit a week, as well as having to make two 3-day trips to Seattle for the necessary procedures. We also had our first grandson born right in the middle of all this, providing us with a bright ray of hope at a very dark time!!

So! I have completed one root haired doll lately; see above and right.
, as well as having four heads waiting for the bodies and limbs that I am so reluctant to make!! Hopefully, now that I have worked out a satisfactory pattern for the bodies and limbs, I may be able to complete each of the waiting dolls in a somewhat timely manner!! Stay tuned as I work on more of these dolls. Barb

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